A dog and his girl, some crafts, cooking, and a whole lot of nonsense...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frye!

I've known Daniel for 6 years. I was on the membership committee at our Fire Department when he applied. I immediately recognized his sweet, honest personality and willingness to help people. I knew he was there, and wanted to be there for the right reasons. I didn't waste any time pushing him through the membership process and I think we got him voted in the next Monday night or something crazy like that!
In the 4 years or so that followed that, Daniel and I got ourselves into a good bit of trouble, had some fun, and took care of a good 3/4 of the population of Manassas on an Ambulance at one point or another. That number may seem a little high to you, but we bother literally lived in the firehouse for an extended period, so its not too far off ;)

When I moved to Chicago, Amy joined the firehouse. Of course I heard ALL about her from not only Daniel, but Gioia and Matt! I knew if they thought that she was great and Daniel was ACTUALLY referring to a girl as his GIRLFRIEND...it must be serious! ha ha

Anyway, fast forward 3 years...and here we are...finally!! The Frye Wedding!! I absolutely love how everyone in our little group of friends had major parts in wedding planning, set up, take down, etc...even if we were not directly in the wedding party! I think Christopher and I made out like bandits, because we had Jax the day/night before the wedding and had to keep him cool, calm and collected. Lots of naps, playing in the air conditioning, and drinking tons of water to keep him hydrated since he would have to be out in the heat later. Then later, at the wedding, we were "on duty" for all 3 Komar boys. Heaven for me :) Not a job at all!!

Amy was (as we all KNEW she would be!) a beautiful bride, and everything went down without a hitch! We all had so much fun dancing in our boots until our feet couldn't take it anymore and drinking sweet tea and rum punch! Weddings can be SO much fun! My own wedding was such a drag! When and IF it ever happens for me again, I can only hope that it is half as much fun as Daniel and Amy's!! Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Frye!!

Here are my favorite pictures from the evening! Enjoy!

Sorry for the super picture heavy post...you just wait until we get back from California!!!Its going to be "blog about my vaca!"
Have a great weekend!!

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