A dog and his girl, some crafts, cooking, and a whole lot of nonsense...

Monday, June 2, 2014

My bad...

So it seems a month may have flown by and I haven't posted on this blog, barely checked my email, and might have moved 30 miles west to God's country...
That's right! Back "home," in Fauquier county! Also...no longer renting! This bad boy is all ours :)

It's not been easy...moving tries every little bit of patience that you thought you had. It tests your physical strength and ability in ways that will make you cry...ugly cry. Parts of you will hurt that you had no idea you could injure. I pulled a muscle in my chest, ya'll...for real?!?

Mentally and emotionally, we have been test as well. I think we have fought more in the last month than we ever have. I've cried at least once a day about stink bugs, furniture placement, closet space, trash pick up and a broken freezer.

Now that we have been here a little over a week...and the Manassas house is empty, clean, and keys have been handed off to the landlord...I feel much better. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of our shoulders.
I feel comfortable walking around this joint in as little or as much clothing as I feel necessary...no close neighbors, no worries. I feel excited to plan for paint colors, new furniture, and finding all of
our treasures.
I can tell the difference in Christopher as well. He drives a little bit further to work, but honestly...it doesn't take him much longer than it did to get out of Manassas during rush hour! Literally no traffic until he gets to Manassas. He is enjoying doing little projects around "his house." Ahh it feels good just to type those words.
The dogs are SOOO much happier. No kids screaming or bouncing basketballs against our house ( don't get me started...ughhhhh) and an acre of land of explore. We don't hear our neighbors every move anymore. Only their roosters, and that's just fine with us!!!

So yeah, moving suck ass. It's fucking hard work and at more than one point, I really thought we would have been better just staying in Manassas. But seriously...seriously ya'll...I love this house. I don't ever want to leave!!!

I'll end this with some cute pics of the doglets...lovin on their new home!

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